Sunday School

For Children and Young Adults. Sundays 11:15am - 12.30pm

All children and young adults aged 3 to 18 years are welcome at Sunday School. (Parents are welcome to bring their children every Sunday.) We also have a crèche facility.

Sunday School starts at 11:15am when the children and young adults meet together for chorus singing, quizzes and prayers. After this, the young people split into their appropriately aged classes for a message from the Bible. Activity sheets based on the message are provided to the children to take home. There are prizes for attendance, bringing a friend and other things. When a young person has attended for six weeks they receive a free Bible.

The Sunday School meets every Sunday, except the first Sunday of each month, when we hold a Family Service at 11:15am (followed by a fellowship lunchtime) for the children and when family members are also welcome. Sunday Explorers is closed during August.
